3. Registering and Updating an Account

3.1 Registering an Account

Following Steps need to be followed for registering onto SynBioHub:

  1. Navigate to SynBioHub’s home page.

  2. Click on the Login or Register option on the top right hand side of your Screen.

  3. Enter the following details to complete your registration process:

Option Name Description
Full Name Enter the name of the user
Affiliation(Optional) You can enter the name of the university/institute that you’re currently affiliated to
Email Address Enter the Email Address, through which you want to get registered. If in future you forget your login credentials, then this shall be used for sending a recovery password for your account
Username You have to enter a username of your own choice. This shall be displayed on the record page of every record that you submit
Password Enter a password (preferably a strong one) for keeping your user account safe

  1. When you need to login into your SynBioHub account, click on the “login or Register” option. Then you need to enter your email address and your password to access your account.

3.2 Updating an Account

If you ever need to update your account, the following steps need to be followed:

  1. You need to be logged in order to update your account. Follow the previous set of steps to login, if you aren’t logged in to your account.

  2. Then, click on the profile option. It’ll redirect you onto a page, which contains your profile.

  3. On this page, update whichever section you want to, and then click on the save option at the bottom to successfully update your profile.